Remember Leia, the baby girl whom I mentioned in my post recently? Her mother, Dianne, mentioned that she’s having back problems carrying her baby and it’s a good thing that she came across a website that advised on how to get more support when carrying around your baby to avoid back problems – choose from different styles of baby slings!
Much as she’d like to buy one for them, Dianne mentioned that she’s currently cash-strapped. A single mom who was out of work for about two months now while recuperating from her CS operation, she’s just trying to be as resourceful as she can to solve her back problem (among other problems of course).
Thanks to the internet for making information easily accessible to everyone! Dianne mentioned about this youtube video discussing how to make your own baby sling and she’s quite grateful about it because she was able to make some baby sling without spending much. Someday, when she gets back to work again (did I mentioned that she had complications so she cannot go back to work yet anytime soon?), she plans on buying one of those baby slings that’s not only fashionable but of high quality as well.
Get well soon Dianne. I know you’ll make it! Kisses to Baby Leia.