One big challenge that concealed carriers face with holsters is finding something that fits every aspect of their life. Belt, waistband, ankle, and pocket holsters don’t fit with every outfit combination, and they can even be uncomfortable. That’s where the many benefits of concealed carry vests come into the picture.
They Come in Multiple Styles
Obviously, style is a big consideration when people are choosing their clothing. The good news is that concealed carry vests come in multiple styles. This means that they can be less tactical looking than holsters and blend in with daily life better. If you are a fan of a more tactical appearance, you can also find vests in this style to give your appearance an edge.
You Can Find Almost Any Material
There is an extensive selection of concealed carry vests, meaning you can pretty much have your pick as far as materials go. Not only can you find the right material for your personal fashion tastes, but you can also choose something functional. Be sure to check out all of your options and pick something that works for your tastes and lifestyle.
They Fit More Lifestyles
You need your concealed carry method to fit your lifestyle. If you’re an active, outdoorsy type, a concealed carry vest can offer a lot more stability than a holster. If you’re the urban type, these vests blend a lot better and are more fashionable than holsters.
They Offer Several Carry Positions
You can find a concealment vest with any carry position you can imagine. If you don’t have a favorite position, you can buy a vest that offers several position options so you can place your pistol where it is convenient for your outfit or desire each day. Not only is this a better value than holsters for people who change up their carry position, but it is also great for new concealed carriers who are still figuring out their tendencies.
There are plenty of concealed carry vests on the market today that offer many benefits. This makes them more appealing and user-friendly than holsters.