Modern life can feel as though the demands on your attention are constant. Unexpected events, the 24/7 news cycle, and everyday pressures add up. It’s easy to feel stressed and out of control. What are some things that can help you de-stress and relax? Here are a few ideas to get you started.
1. Get Support
Conventional and alternative practitioners can help you deal with the root causes and symptoms of stress. From psychotherapy to bodywork, there’s no shortage of help you can find. Not sure where to start? Do a search using terms like Reiki healing to find a service provider who’s a perfect fit for you.
2. Get Outside
If you’re feeling anxious and depleted, step outside. Even better, find a safe area that’s full of trees and other delights of nature. You’ll notice your breathing and thoughts slowing down. Whether you decide to walk or sit on the ground, the therapeutic benefits of nature are well documented. Try to carve some pleasurable outdoor time into every day.
3. Get Moving
The fitter and healthier you are, the greater your stress resilience. There are many options available to get in shape. Take the time to discover what’s right for your personality, age, and level of fitness. Incorporate strength, cardiovascular, stretching, and agility training into your routine. Be sure to check with your health practitioner for recommendations and clearance.
4. Get Rest
At least seven hours of shut-eye per night is essential. It doesn’t have to be all at once; splitting up the time works, too. Sufficient sleep is associated with decreased cortisol, the hormone that sets off the fight-or-flight response. Also, try to get brief periods of downtime or naps throughout the day.
De-stressing your life involves focusing on gentle self-care. Try these tips to feel better fast.